My birth with Mila went exactly according to plan. Kind of. I had a dream birth plan, a hospital birth plan, and then a cesarean birth plan. She followed all three! We originally planning on having a home birth, but Mila decided she did not want to be squeezed out and she made that impossible.
My water broke around 11 pm at night and just like in the movies I immediately was having painful, strong contractions.I woke Alex up and told him to start locking the dogs up and getting ready while I called my midwife to let her know my water broke. Within an hour my midwife and birth support had all arrived and I was in the tub coping fairly well. Until I wasn’t… It turns out Mila was OP or sunny side up. She was facing the wrong way and this turned into the most intense back labor. At some point I stopped feeling my contractions and only felt back pain. Eventually it got so bad I was scared of every single contraction. We tried to get Mila to turn her position but she just would not budge. She has known what she wants since the very beginning, and being squished was not on her agenda. The decision was made to transfer to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital I really don’t remember much. My husband and birth support told me it was bad. They said the hospital took forever to get us up to labor and delivery and that no one was prepared even though my home midwife had called ahead to let them know we were coming. I do remember once I was in my hospital room I was on my hands and knees and the nurse told me she needed me on my back to start an IV and I remember being so mad at her for not knowing how to start an IV with me on my hands and knees. Working on the ambulance I used to start IV’s in all types of positions and places so this made me super upset. I did end up flipping on my back, getting my IV and then getting my epidural.
Once I had my epidural everyone fell asleep except me. I couldn’t sleep. I was way too excited to meet little miss. I was also freezing cold. This is why I recommend bringing your own old warm blanket because hospital blankets SUCK! In the morning my hospital midwife who I had been seeing for co-care came in and checked me. She found that Mila was not only facing the wrong way but her arm and shoulder were in front of her face which made it impossible for her to come out because the combination of being the direction she was plus her arm being in the way was making her start to come out face first. They told me she would either get stuck or she would break her neck if I tried to give birth with her in this position. I agreed to a cesarean section.
The surgeon came in and we went over my cesarean birth plan. He agreed to everything I wanted even though he thought some things were weird. He was so nice though. We started prepping me for my cesarean section just before 2 pm and at 2:19 my baby Mila was born! I loved my birth and I love that my baby girl is a strong, and stubborn little soul. I am so happy to be her Mama. And we are so excited to see how our birth goes with baby number 2 in January!
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